If you’ve ever had a cold sore, you know how annoying they can be.  Unfortunately, if you’ve had one, you’ve probably had several.  Cold sores, also known as Herpes Labialis, show up as a sore, blistered area on or around the lips.

Cold sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus.  This virus is contagious and can be spread between individuals and from parent to child.  The best way to prevent spread is to avoid direct contact with an active sore.

Even though a cold sore can be very painful and unsightly, they usually clear up within 2 weeks.  Fortunately, there are some treatments available that can shorten this period considerably.  There are a variety of topical ointments that are available over the counter such as Abreva that are effective to some degree.   A prescription tablet called Valtrex is also available.  Valtrex is also now available in a generic.  These medications are most effective when started immediately at onset of symptoms, a period knows as the “prodrome”.

Do you suffer from cold sores?  Talk with your dentist about treatment options to lessen their severity considerably.