X rays linked to brain tumors??

An article came out recently linking dental x rays done in childhood with a certain type of brain tumor.  This article was interesting in that it brought up some concerns with dental x rays and particularly with the frequency with which they are done.  The concern I had with the article is that it relied on patient’s memory of what x rays were done.  Are people really going to recall from memory the frequency and type of all x rays they had done as a child?

The American Dental Association has issued a statement on this matter.  As this states, it is important that we as dentists be prudent with limiting x rays to those that are necessary and at frequencies dictated by patient conditions.

Another point to mention in this matter is that many offices, including Douglas Dental, have gone from standard film x rays to digital x rays.  This switch exposes the patient to significantly less radiation.  Not only is there less radiation, but digital x rays make patient education much easier by allowing us to show problems on a computer screen. K2XBDWK496VG

Are you concerned about why we need to have dental x rays at certain intervals or about the risks involved?  Contact us with any questions you may have.