Dental Amalgam

Recently Dr. Oz had a segment on his show addressing the use of Dental Amalgam. Amalgam is a mix of metals that when combined are initially soft and pliable but after time, set and become very hard. The controversy with amalgam is that it contains mercury. This is the reason Dr. Oz recently looked into the issue.

The concern over mercury exposure is certainly understandable. Consideration must be given to whether or not there is any scientific basis as to whether amalgam is unsafe. To this point, the American Dental Association has repeatedly stated that dental amalgam is a safe restorative material.

At Douglas Dental we understand concerns that patients may have regarding the mercury content of amalgam. We also take scientific evidence into play when making treatment decisions. For that reason, when the need for a filling is diagnosed, options are always presented to the patient and they are allowed to decide. There are certain clinical situations where I continue to feel amalgam may be the best restorative option to give the tooth a good prognosis.

There have been some claims that removal of dental amalgams can alleviate certain medical conditions. I would strongly caution people against this practice. Certainly if there are problems with old fillings, removal and replacement is recommended. However, removal on the basis that certain conditions will be alleviated brings serious ethical questions.