Dental Anxiety

Are you anxious about seeing the dentist?  Dental Anxiety is very common.  As a dentist, it is a daily occurrence to see patients who are fearful of being in our chair.  Many people allow the fear of seeing a dentist to prevent them from seeking care until an issue becomes an emergency.  Waiting too long often results in the loss of a tooth that could have been saved if addressed earlier.

Douglas Dental has taken numerous steps to try to minimize the fear of a trip to the dentist.  First, we have a very experienced staff and Doctor. This is important in helping to make sure that procedures are explained fully and treatment options reviewed.  In addition to experience, much of our staff has been with the practice since it began over 12 years ago.  Patients find great peace of mind in seeing the same faces and providers each time they visit the office.

Along with the excellent staff, several other methods are employed to calm our anxious patients.  Some of these include:

Nitrous Oxide

-Excellent local anesthetics, use of topical before injections, and continual training on local anesthesia products and methods.

– Medication to reduce anxiety in severe cases.

If you are anxious about dental treatment and are looking for a Des Moines Dentist that can help you manage that fear, contact us today.