Dental Implants

Dental implants can be an excellent replacement option for someone who is missing a tooth or several teeth.  A dental implant is a titanium post that is placed in the jaw in the area where the tooth root used to be.  The implant itself actually only replaces the root.  A crown is then placed on the implant to give the appearance of a natural tooth emerging from the gum tissue.  Implants can also be used to stabilize a denture.

There is much planning involved with doing dental implants.  We work closely with an oral surgeon during this planning phase.  The surgeon will often remove the tooth if needed, can do grafting if necessary, and then place the implant.  After the implant is deemed stable by the oral surgeon (usually about 2-3 months) we place a crown on it.

Do you have a missing tooth or teeth?  If you would like to know more about implants or other tooth replacement options, contact Douglas Dental.