Oral Cancer Screening

One of the most important things that will occur during a routine dental exam is an oral cancer screening.  As a patient, you may not even be aware of this happening.  You’re Dentist and dental hygienist is trained to spot any unusual growths, ulcers or tissue.  If a suspicious lesion is spotted, a referral is often given to an oral surgeon or ENT doctor for further evaluation.  Fortunately, such lesions are often not cancerous.

Almost 42,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer every year.  It kills roughly 8000 people every year.  Oral cancers unfortunately have a higher mortality rate than many other cancers as they are often not detected until later stages. Oral cancer is more common in adults, especially over age 40.  However, recently there has been an increase in younger patients being diagnosed.   This appears to be linked to the HPV 16 virus.

Risk Factors for oral cancer include: Smoking and smokeless tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, family history and excessive sun exposure.

Possible signs and symptoms of oral cancer include: Unusual lump, bump or sore in the mouth or on lips that doesn’t heal, unexplained bleeding in mouth, numbness or loss of feeling of mouth or face, prolonged soreness of throat or hoarseness.

As with all cancers, early detection and treatment are vital in treatment.  Dr. Rastetter and the hygienists at Douglas Dental are committed to your ongoing oral health.  Part of this is making sure you are screened for oral cancer at your regular check-ups.