Prevent Cavities With Sealants

At Douglas Dental our focus is prevention based dentistry.  One great preventive service that is offered is Dental Sealants (sealants).

Sealants are a resin based material that is used to seal decay out of the grooves and pits of teeth.  They are generally used on the back teeth (molars and premolars).  Sealants prevent decay by creating a barrier between the tooth and decay causing bacteria.  This is accomplished by covering up to 90% of the places where decay occurs in school children’s teeth.

Sealants are a simple procedure to do, taking only minutes to place and they require no anesthesia!  We usually recommend sealants for:  1. Baby teeth that are susceptible to decay 2.  Newly erupted molars in children, typically around age 6 and 12.  3.  Adult molars.

Sealants generally last for many years.   It is important that they be re-examined at regular intervals.  If a sealant does come off it can be replaced in just minutes.

Do you think you or your children could benefit from Dental Sealants?  Contact us to see if you could benefit from this simple and effective treatment.