That Hollywood Smile!

Do you ever wonder how so many celebrities have that dazzling white smile with perfectly straight teeth?  Some may be blessed with naturally straight, white teeth.   For others, they choose to undergo “veneering” of the teeth with porcelain.  Porcelain veneers are a very thin layer of porcelain that is bonded to the tooth enamel after minimal prep of the tooth by the dentist.

Veneers can be an excellent way for people to achieve the smile they have always wanted.  Although the procedure sounds quite simple, it is extremely technique sensitive and requires considerable planning and labor to achieve a great result.

Whether or not veneers are the best treatment for someone looking for a “dental makeover” depends on multiple factors.  If teeth are badly broken down or heavily restored, crowns may be better option.  If the goal is simply whiter teeth, bleaching may provide the desired result.  Badly discolored teeth, such as those with tetracycline staining, may require more than a veneer to block the staining.

At Douglas Dental we provide all aspects of cosmetic dentistry from whitening to veneers and crowns.  We provide all the information necessary to allow you to make an informed decision on what treatment may be best for you.   Do you have questions about how to enhance your smile?