Tooth Sensitivity

Most people have experienced tooth sensitivity at some point in their lifetime. The causes of tooth sensitivity vary. One of the most common causes is recession of the gum tissue with root exposure. Gum recession can occur as a result of normal oral hygiene such as brushing. If the tissue is thin in certain areas, it will recede away from the tooth, resulting in exposure of the root surface. This can also occur as a result of gum disease. Either way, these areas can be very sensitive to temperature, sweets, etc.

There are several treatment options available for areas of sensitivity as a result of recession. Application of a desensitizer can be done, or the area can be bonded with tooth colored filling material to cover the area and eliminate sensitivity. Sensitivity protection toothpaste may also be recommended.

It is important to see your dentist if you are experiencing sensitivity issues. Some more serious issues such as decay or cracked tooth can cause sensitivity as well. The dentist will evaluate your particular situation and decide the best course of treatment.