Author: Dr. Dwight Rastetter

Canker Sores

If you’ve ever had a canker sore, you know they can be very painful. Canker sores are very common. There is no known cause of these painful sores, but they are often attributed to such things as acidic foods or trauma such as biting the inside of the lip. Canker sores are formally known as […]

Oral Cancer Screening

One of the most important things that will occur during a routine dental exam is an oral cancer screening.  As a patient, you may not even be aware of this happening.  You’re Dentist and dental hygienist is trained to spot any unusual growths, ulcers or tissue.  If a suspicious lesion is spotted, a referral is […]

Dental Emergencies

Most of us have experienced some sort of medical emergency.  These often happen at inconvenient times and result in a trip to the ER.  Unfortunately, dental emergencies occur as well and can also be at inopportune times.  Dental emergencies can include such things as extreme pain of a toothache, dental abcess (infection), or dental trauma […]

Oral Piercings

Oral piercing, specifically tongue piercing, has become a popular form of body expression.  Generally the piercing is done without anesthetic, so the procedure can be quite painful.  After the piercing is done, a “barbell” is placed in the piercing to keep the hole open.  The initial barbell placed is quite long as the tongue will […]

Dental Anxiety

Are you anxious about seeing the dentist?  Dental Anxiety is very common.  As a dentist, it is a daily occurrence to see patients who are fearful of being in our chair.  Many people allow the fear of seeing a dentist to prevent them from seeking care until an issue becomes an emergency.  Waiting too long […]

Proper Brushing

Knowing how to brush your teeth properly is an important skill that should be learned at an early age.  Unfortunately, many children and adults are not brushing properly. Here are some tips for proper brushing: -Parents should help children brush.  This is especially important with young children. -Brush for 2MINUTES, 2 TIMES A DAY!  Many […]

Don’t forget to Floss!

There’s an old saying “You don’t have to floss all your teeth, just the ones you want to keep”.  It may sound a little silly, but there is some truth to it!  According to the American Dental Association, only about half of adults floss daily. As important as brushing is, flossing is vitally important in […]

Bad Breath

Bad breath (Halitosis) can be a serious problem for many people.  There are many possible causes of bad breath.  Some of the most common causes are: -Certain foods, such as Garlic –Volatile Sulfur Compounds, formed by Bacteria on the tongue -Bad teeth and cavities –Gum disease (Periodontal disease) or dental abcess -Dry Mouth -Sinus infection […]